by activest | Jul 31, 2022 | News
nHow is the State of New Jersey and its municipalities allocating resources to its services and citizens? How are these governance decisions being factored into credit risk? This Fiscal Justice Analysis is the intersection of a racial justice and fiscal health...
by activest | May 4, 2022 | News
nIn a municipal bond sale dated April 21, 2022, the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government in Kentucky borrowed $212 million from investors. It was a “general obligation bond” sale, meaning the metro government will repay the bonds out of local tax...
by activest | Apr 12, 2022 | News
nSocial injustices like overpolicing, displacement and lack of investment in communities of color are costing municipalities and their bondholders more than you think. In Louisville, KY we found $90M in waste, foregone revenue and added expenses—almost totaling up to...
by activest | Mar 15, 2022 | Reports
Since 2015, Activest has been a leading voice in acknowledging the materiality of Fiscal Justice in municipal finance. Fiscal justice is Activest’s multilayered, critical analysis of the equity of municipal budgets—measured at the intersection of fiscal health and...
by activest | Feb 25, 2022 | Reports
nLocal governments differ in the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) outcomes they provide their residents, such as rates and distribution of toxic emissions, incarceration, and health outcomes. These outcomes are related to the quality of life of residents...