by activest | Dec 7, 2021 | Reports
A new project aims to incorporate the cost of lawsuit settlements and inequality when rating municipal bonds.nNapoleon Wallace, a bond analyst and municipal budget wonk, sees disaster in the finances of America’s largest cities where others do not.nRead the full story...
by activest | May 10, 2021 | Reports
nIntroduction Seven years after the Flint water crisis, the state of Michigan recently announced plans to payout $600 million to the residents of Flint to settle lawsuits filed against the State. Yet before the bond goes to market, there are a number of unresolved...
by activest | Nov 4, 2020 | Reports
Public works and infrastructure development, while designed to enhance the viability and quality of life for cities, have historically fueled inequities, benefiting some residents while neglecting or actively harming low-income and BIPOC communities. Social Justice...