The 2022 Joan Bavaria Award is presented to co-founder Napoleon Wallace

by | Oct 20, 2022 | News

Ceres and Trillium Asset Management were deeply honored to present the 2022 Joan Bavaria Award to Napoleon Wallace at Evening with Ceres.

Napoleon is a pioneering leader and strategic thinker who has launched, led, and advised numerous successful impact-focused finance efforts across public, private, and nonprofit sectors. He has focused on promoting resilient economic development for over 20 years. He served as Deputy Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Commerce and chief investment officer of The Southern Reconstruction Fund. Napoleon also co-founded Partners in Equity and ACTIVEST.

The Joan Bavaria Award is presented each year to recognize a unique investor or NGO leader who is working to transform the capital markets into a system that balances economic prosperity with social and environmental concerns.


Learn more about the Joan Bavaria Award at:

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